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Window Treatment

Your home or office is always enhanced by a window which adds decoration to a room. It is one area of the house or office which is often neglected but should not be.

Preserve Your Window and Its Surroundings

A window is basically a hole in the wall, if it is not sealed and treated properly the hole can expand and crack, draughts amongst other things can develop. Philadelphia window treatment service can help you preserve this hole by applying filler where there is a hole, sealing and finishing window frames that have warped and many other treatments.

A Window is a Feature

Since the window is always a feature in a room it needs to be attractive and practical at the same time. Philadelphia window treatment service will take care of the sanding, waxing and polishing to restore your window and its surroundings to its original look. The material around your window will determine what cleaning agents and restoration techniques Philadelphia window treatment service uses. Remember, small drafts or trapped dampness can ruin interior upholstery, as well as other furniture, treat you windows today to avoid potential hazards. No job is too big or too small for Philadelphia Carpet Cleaning.

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UCM Cleaning Services
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
Phone: 856-733-0100
Dispatch Address: Burroughs Mill Ct, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 [Maps & Reviews]
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