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Willingboro Carpet Cleaning

Not many residents appreciate the rich history of Willingboro that dates back as far as the late 1600's when the area was still under British colonial law. Back then it was a small town with no more than 100 voters but over the years it has developed and been through many changes, including names, to become a township of over 33000 residents.

Development at the end of World War Two

Willingboro carpet cleaning offers services to all of the 33000 residents that live within the township. The original Willingboro was part of the Burlington County that was divided up by the British. Until the end of World War Two, Willingboro remained a relatively small town but with the return of soldiers to the area there was a need for more housing.

The Suburban Paradise of Levittown

Levitt and Sons purchased the land that is today Willingboro and began building family units for the returning soldiers. Originally Levitt insisted that the area be called Levittown but this was soon changed back to Willingboro. Within a few years Willingboro had become a suburban paradise for young families. Parks and shopping areas popped up all over the place. Today Willingboro is a thriving community that is enjoyed by all its residents, carpet cleaning Willingboro offers services to help you keep your beautiful home, in a historic setting, clean, leaving you time to enjoy the town you live in.

Call Carpet Cleaning Philadelphia at 609-534-0999 for more information about our services.

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UCM Cleaning Services
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
Phone: 609-534-0999
Dispatch Address: Burroughs Mill Ct, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 [Maps & Reviews]
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